This combination pictures taken in Magelang on November 17, 2014 shows finalists of the 2014 World Muslimah Awards (Top L-R) Samaneh Zand of Iran, Nur Khairunnisa of Malaysia, Primadhita Rahma of Indonesia and Molina Ulfah Ramadhan of Indonesia (Bottom L-R) Hetty Kusumawardhani of Indonesia, Lulu Susanti of Indonesia, Siti Fathimah Junyanti of Indonesia, Dina Torkia of Britain. Indonesia hosted the 4th Muslim Beauty Pageant called World Muslimah Awards. About 25 finalists from around the world will compete in the final round of the World Muslimah Awards, exclusively for Muslim women in Yogyakarta on November 13-21. AFP PHOTO / ADEK BERRY