El premeditado y sangriento asalto oficialista al Parlamento venezolano: FOTOS que dan la vuelta al mundo

El premeditado y sangriento asalto oficialista al Parlamento venezolano: FOTOS que dan la vuelta al mundo

Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO


Cinco diputados opositores fueron heridos por seguidores del presidente Nicolás Maduro que irrumpieron violentamente este miércoles en la sede del Parlamento venezolano, donde se realizaba una sesión especial por el día de la independencia, informaron legisladores.


Julio Borges, presidente de la Asamblea de mayoría opositora, reportó en Twitter que en el “ataque” resultaron heridos los diputados Armando Armas, Américo de Grazia, Nora Bracho, Luis Carlos Padilla y Leonardo Regnault.

Al menos dos trabajadores de la cámara también sufrieron lesiones, reportaron otros diputados.

Tres legisladores resultaron con cortes en la cabeza. Américo de Grazia “tuvo convulsiones” y fue trasladado en ambulancia a un centro médico, señaló su colega Juan Guaidó a periodistas, indicando que los agresores tenían “piedras, palos y cuchillos”.

Borges atribuyó la incursión a “colectivos”, grupos civiles oficialistas que según la oposición son armados por el gobierno.

Cerca de un centenar de personas, algunas encapuchadas, con palos y tubos, y vestidas de rojo, entraron a los jardines del Palacio Legislativo y detonaron bombas de estruendo, desatando el caos, constató un equipo de la AFP.

“Esto no duele más que ver todos los días cómo perdemos el país”, comentó Armas tras subir a una ambulancia con la cabeza cubierta por vendas ensangrentadas.

Los partidarios de Maduros se encontraban frente al edificio legislativo en un “plantón” de seis horas en rechazo a la oposición, pero durante un receso de la sesión solemne forzaron el portón y lograron llegar hasta los pasillos y entradas a los salones.

Periodistas que cubrían el acto fueron obligados por encapuchados a dejar de grabar y tomar fotografías, y a salir del Palacio Legislativo. Uno de los hombres portaba un arma de fuego.

“El gobierno siempre recurre a la violencia”, manifestó el diputado opositor Stalin González. “Vamos a seguir enfrentado a estos salvajes”, agregó su colega Simón Calzadilla.

El incidente se produjo mientras Maduro encabezaba un desfile militar con miles de efectivos en el paseo de Los Próceres, en el complejo Fuerte Tiuna, en Caracas.

Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Journalists react as supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm into the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Journalists react as supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm into the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Journalists react as supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm into the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Journalists react as supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm into the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm into the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm into the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Employees of the National Assembly and members of the press run as Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Employees of the National Assembly and members of the press run as Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stand at the gate of the National Assembly building in Caracas before storming it on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stand at the gate of the National Assembly building in Caracas before storming it on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day. A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro's resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro storm the National Assembly building in Caracas on July 5, 2017 as opposition deputies hold a special session on Independence Day.
A political and economic crisis in the oil-producing country has spawned often violent demonstrations by protesters demanding President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation and new elections. The unrest has left 91 people dead since April 1. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO

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