Velas, flores y mensajes para la princesa Diana (fotos)

Velas, flores y mensajes para la princesa Diana (fotos)

Women stand next to flowers, messages, pictures and locks laid around the Flame of Liberty monument - which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel - over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017, on the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess. The life of Diana -- a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world's most famous woman -- and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi. / AFP PHOTO / Patrick KOVARIK
Homenaje a Diana en París/ AFP PHOTO / Patrick KOVARIK


Los admiradores de Diana seguían homenajeando con velas, flores y mensajes de cariño a la “princesa de corazones” este jueves, justo veinte años después de su muerte en un accidente de coche que desató una oleada de emoción en todo el mundo, todavía vigente hoy, reseña AFP.

Poco antes de las 08H00 (07H00 GMT) en Londres, los peatones se detenían delante de la verja del palacio de Kensington, donde vivía, para observar las numerosas fotografías de la todavía muy popular princesa de Gales.

Algunos depositaban flores entre las decenas de ramos que ya había o se detenían para recordarla frente a las letras de su nombre hechas de flores blancas y rosas.

“Inolvidable”, rezaba el mensaje que dejó un hombre, vestido con un traje estampado con la bandera británica. “Siempre en nuestros corazones. Tu buena obra será perpetuada por tus hijos”, decía otro cartel.

La víspera, el hijo pequeño de Diana, el príncipe Enrique (32 años) visitó el lugar junto a su hermano, el príncipe Guillermo (35 años), para ver los homenajes a su madre y depositar un ramo de parte de un admirador.

Antes ya habían acudido, con Catalina —esposa de Guillermo—, bajo una incesante lluvia, al jardín efímero de flores blancas creado en su memoria en el palacio de Kensington.

“Se interesaba por la gente, era excepcional. Sus hijos continúan su trabajo, son como ella”, declaró el miércoles a la AFP Lena Patterson, una limpiadora sueca que había viajado a Londres para honrar la memoria de Lady Di.

– “Revolucionaria” –

Más allá de este sobrio homenaje, no se programó ninguna conmemoración oficial para el jueves 31 de agosto, el día en el que el coche que transportaba a Diana se estrelló en un pilar del túnel del Alma, en París, en 1997, causando la muerte de la princesa de 36 años y de su nuevo amor, el rico heredero egipcio Dodi Al Fayed.

Algunos quisieron recordar el trágico suceso el miércoles por la noche, bajo la lluvia, en un lugar cercano al túnel parisino, que se convirtió al momento en un lugar de homenaje.

“Era una niña cuando murió, pero estudié su biografía”, declaró Marie Hermann, de 25 años, una periodista alemana. “Me gustaba Diana y su compromiso con las causas humanitarias”.

“Recuerdo el día de su boda y el día de su muerte”, afirmó Linda Bigelbach, de 61 años y residente en St Paul (Minnesota, Estados Unidos). Para ella, Diana “será siempre la princesa del pueblo”.

Diana “era revolucionaria, cambió a la familia real para siempre”, consideró Sian Croston, una londinense de 17 años.

En las cadenas que circundan el pequeño monumento (una réplica de la llama de la Estatua de la Libertad de Nueva York), había enganchados cientos de candados, mientras que varias decenas de ramos de flores y fotografías de la princesa rodeaban la llama.

– Perpetuar su compromiso –

Desde su compromiso con el príncipe heredero Carlos, cuando no era más que una tímida joven de 20 años, pasando por su papel de madre entregada y de militante humanitaria hasta su trágica muerte, Diana sacudió a la familia real británica y marcó su época.

Amiga de personas famosas y figura mediática, esta aristócrata, cuya imagen pública escondía una personalidad atormentada, se forjó una popularidad mundial haciendo gala de empatía con los más desfavorecidos.

Preocupados por perpetuar el compromiso de su madre, Guillermo y Enrique se reunieron el miércoles con representantes de organizaciones benéficas que ella apoyaba. “Todos perdimos a alguien”, les dijo Enrique, según citas de la agencia Press Association.

Para el jueves por la tarde, se programó un servicio conmemorativo en el Mildmay Mission Hospital de Londres, una asociación que ayuda a los enfermos de sida, que Diana visitaba con regularidad.

Guillermo y Enrique también encargaron una estatua a su figura, que será levantada en los jardines de Kensington.

Tras años de silencio, los dos hermanos decidieron hablar por primera vez, contando detalles íntimos, en un documental retransmitido por la televisión británica. “Para Enrique y para mí, es extremadamente importante celebrar su vida”, declaró Guillermo.


Fotos AFP

A photograph of Diana, Princess of Wales, covered by drops of water, is seen on August 30, 2017, left over the Alma bridge in Paris to mark the coming 20th anniversary of the death of Diana who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel on August 31, 1997.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
A woman takes a selfie next to the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel – adorned with flowers, messages, pictures and locks, over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017, on the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
Women stand next to flowers, messages, pictures and locks laid around the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel – over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017, on the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
A man sits next to a heat-shaped sign marking the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess Diana at the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for the Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel – over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
A woman stands next to flowers, messages, pictures and locks laid around the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel – over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017, on the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
People look at flowers, messages, pictures and locks laid around the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel – over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017, on the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
A woman stands near flowers, messages and pictures laid around the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel – over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017, on the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
A woman takes a selfie next to the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel – adorned with flowers, messages, pictures and locks, over the Alma bridge in Paris on August 31, 2017, on the 20th anniversary of the death of the Princess.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
Members of the public gather at the tributes of flowers, candles and photographs outside one of the gates of Kensington Palace in London on August 31, 2017, to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Tributes of photographs, candels and photographs have gathered at the gates of Kensington Palace left by well-wishers and fans of Diana, princess of Wales to mark the 20th anniversary of her death on August 31, 2017. The Princess of Wales died in a fatal car crash in Paris on August 31, 1997. Well-wishers and fans of Diana visited the palace in the early hours of the morning on August 31 to pay their respects with a vigil at the famous gates of Diana’s former residence. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS
A woman pauses at the tributes of flowers, candles and photographs outside one of the gates of Kensington Palace in London on August 31, 2017, to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Tributes of photographs, candels and photographs have gathered at the gates of Kensington Palace left by well-wishers and fans of Diana, princess of Wales to mark the 20th anniversary of her death on August 31, 2017. The Princess of Wales died in a fatal car crash in Paris on August 31, 1997. Well-wishers and fans of Diana visited the palace in the early hours of the morning on August 31 to pay their respects with a vigil at the famous gates of Diana’s former residence. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS
Members of the public gather at the tributes of flowers, candles and photographs outside one of the gates of Kensington Palace in London on August 31, 2017, to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Tributes of photographs, candels and photographs have gathered at the gates of Kensington Palace left by well-wishers and fans of Diana, princess of Wales to mark the 20th anniversary of her death on August 31, 2017. The Princess of Wales died in a fatal car crash in Paris on August 31, 1997. Well-wishers and fans of Diana visited the palace in the early hours of the morning on August 31 to pay their respects with a vigil at the famous gates of Diana’s former residence. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS
Members of the public gather at the tributes of flowers, candles and photographs outside one of the gates of Kensington Palace in London on August 31, 2017, to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Fans and friends of Diana, Princess of Wales, were marking 20 years since her death on August 31, 2017 as the nation looked back on the day when the shocking news broke she had been killed in a late-night Paris car crash. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS
Members of the public gather at the tributes of flowers, candles and photographs outside one of the gates of Kensington Palace in London on August 31, 2017, to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Fans and friends of Diana, Princess of Wales, were marking 20 years since her death on August 31, 2017 as the nation looked back on the day when the shocking news broke she had been killed in a late-night Paris car crash. / AFP PHOTO / Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS
People pay their respects on August 30, 2017 over the Alma bridge at the Flame of Liberty monument – which became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales – in Paris, to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Diana who died in a car crash in a nearby tunnel on August 31, 1997. The Eiffel tower is seen in the background.
The life of Diana — a shy, teenage aristocrat who suddenly became the world’s most famous woman — and her tragic death at 36 still captivates millions across the globe. Diana died in a car crash in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997, along with Dodi Fayed, her wealthy Egyptian film producer boyfriend of two months, and a drink-impaired, speeding driver Henri Paul, who was trying to evade paparazzi.
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