The latest: Venezuela’s Guaidó urges nations to decry Maduro

The latest: Venezuela’s Guaidó urges nations to decry Maduro

Photo: Mary Altaffer – AP


The Latest from the U.N. General Assembly:

8:10 p.m.

He didn’t get a spot at the U.N. General Assembly. But U.S. – backed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó still put out his own online message during this year’s gathering of world leaders.

By AP News

Sep 23, 2020

On his social media, the man recognized by the U.S. as Venezuela’s rightful president delivered a rebuttal Wednesday following Nicolás Maduro’s remarks.

He stood before four Venezuelan flags and spoke as though he were addressing a roomful of dignitaries gathered for the annual event.

In his recorded remarks, Guaidó called on nations to denounce human rights abuses committed by the Maduro government.

He pointed to a recent in-depth report commissioned by the U.N. Human Rights Council that accuses Maduro’s government of committing crimes against humanity, including torture and killings blamed on security forces.

Guaidó is recognized by nearly 60 nations as Venezuela’s president and has been in a nearly two-year standoff with Maduro. But he’s struggled to renew the momentum he generated last year.


6:50 p.m.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has blasted the United States as “the most serious threat to peace in the world” in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly while calling for the Trump administration to lift punishing sanctions.

In a lengthy speech, Maduro said his nation is prepared to resist “criminal, inhumane aggression” aimed at ousting him from power while also leaving open the possibility of dialogue.

The message touching on topics ranging from COVID-19 to recent U.S. protests was prerecorded and played before the U.N. gathering Wednesday.

Maduro didn’t attend the annual event last year amid mounting pressure from the U.S. and nearly 60 other nations to step down.

The virtual gathering this year allowed him to return to the world stage.

The speech comes as Maduro gains an upper hand in the political feud with Juan Guaidó. The U.S.- backed opposition leader is expected to deliver his own remarks online this evening.

Read More: AP News – The Latest: Venezuela’s Guaidó urges nations to decry Maduro

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