We have to talk about Alex Saab

We have to talk about Alex Saab

Photo: Caracas Chronicles


Pueblo People discusses Alex Saab and a bunch of other stuff. Join the broadcast at 8:00 Pm EST, the live chat should be fun.

By Caracas Chronicles

Feb 16, 2022

We don’t know if today was informant day in Miami, but some interesting news surfaced on the Chávez/Maduro corruption camp. First, we learned that the court unsealed some documents in Alex Saab’s case that revealed he acted as a DEA informant in 2018. He gave up information on food import corruption schemes and he even moved around funds from a DEA-controlled bank account. We don’t know yet how this impacts the Maduro regime, but it is surely quite humiliating.

Meanwhile, Saab’s wife, looking more and more like collateral, said that the government was aware of his dealings with US authorities and that he would never betray chavismo. Something that was explained with a little more detail by one of his Baker Hostetler lawyers, who was not participating in the trial, in a letter that his wife tweeted. His trial lawyer, however, was very clear saying that they wanted those documents sealed since Saab’s family was “under the thumb” of the Maduro regime.

Tag along to the Pueblo People live broadcast at 8:00 p.m. EST tonight (or watch it later) and participate in the live chat:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xq_tSoVFFU?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

Read More: Caracas Chronicles – We have to talk about Alex Saab

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