The Embassy of Venezuela recommends TPS applicants who are still waiting for a response to file case status queries with USCIS and go to the Ombudsman

The Embassy of Venezuela recommends TPS applicants who are still waiting for a response to file case status queries with USCIS and go to the Ombudsman

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


Officials from the Embassy of Venezuela in the United States held an Instagram LIVE in which they recommended that applicants for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) who have not yet received a response to their application, formally submit a case status inquiry to USCIS and go before the Ombudsman.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Mar 24, 2022

Brian Fincheltub, Director of Consular affairs, reported that of 323,000 Venezuelan potential beneficiaries of TPS, 237,500 people have already applied. Of this universe, 51,295 requests have been approved (21.6%), 90 have been rejected (0.04%), and 186,115 are still pending a response (78.3%).

Of the cases pending a response, he specified that there is a first group that has not yet reached the estimated processing times for TPS, which according to USCIS are from 6 months to 9 months. “They still have to wait for at least 6 months,” Mr. Fincheltub said.

The other group, the case of some 90,000 Venezuelans, did meet their initial processing times. “These people must file their claim with USCIS and if necessary, with the Ombudsman, an independent office that helps applicants resolve problems with the immigration service,” said Dr. Ana García, a lawyer of the consular section.

Free case consultation and request for assistance

Dr. García explained that first of all, those affected should contact USCIS and inquire about the status of their case through the number 1 (800) 375-5283 or, preferably, through the website of the immigration service, under the section ‘case outside processing times’.

To do this, they must have the receipt of their application with the basic data, especially the case number and date of processing. This e-request will issue an acknowledgment of receipt to the applicant’s email. The answer usually takes 30 days.

If there is no effective response after 30 days, they can go to the Ombudsman. To do this, go to the website and request support from the ombudsman to review your case before the USCIS. For this step there is no defined response time, but they will send an acknowledgment of receipt to your email when they have contacted the immigration service about your case.

In case of any concern or guidance, people can contact the Embassy’s consular team through

Vecchio: We are in direct talks with the administration about the TPS

Ambassador Carlos Vecchio expressed his shared concern with the Venezuelan diaspora about the fact that only 22% of TPS applications have been processed and reaffirmed the actions that the diplomatic mission has already taken for the extension of the TPS and job permits.

“We have already entered into direct conversations with the administration so that this benefit can be extended for another year and a half. These requests must be made 60 days in advance and we are doing it 6 months in advance. TPS is essential because it allows you to legally reside in the United States, have a work permit, and avoid any deportation. If that expires, you’d lose this thing I’m mentioning. That is why from our mission we have already made the proposal so that the TPS can be extended.”

Regarding work permits, he specified that: “we are asking for an automatic extension of work permits for 1 more year so that you do not have to make a new application or pay again, but that the one you already have in your hands can be used, or the one that you already requested and is about to arrive, in case you have not received it. We are requesting the same extension for the beneficiaries of political asylum. These are central issues for us.”

The diplomat thanked the efforts of Florida congressmen who this week joined the TPS extension request. “They joined in a bipartisan manner in requesting the extension of this protection and we thank them for raising it directly with the administration. They introduce something new, that those who entered the US before and up to December 2021 can avail themselves of this benefit.

Finally, he said that: “the administration is willing to always help and improve processes. They have been allies, especially on this TPS issue, and I think we are going to have a positive response to our proposals.”

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – The Embassy of Venezuela recommends TPS applicants who are still waiting for a response to file case status queries with USCIS and go to the Ombudsman

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