Almost 50 days it took PDVSA to attend to a dangerous gas leak in Falcón

Almost 50 days it took PDVSA to attend to a dangerous gas leak in Falcón

Photo: La Patilla


Last Sunday, August 21th, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) together with fishermen from the Paraguaná Peninsula, began the inspection of the leak in the gas pipeline that crosses the Coro gulf Falcón State, at last they began to work in the manufacture of the clamp to cover the gas leak that vented for 49 days.

By La Patilla

Aug 23, 2022

It was learned that the inspection was carried out last Sunday and this Monday they began manufacturing the pipeline clamp to stop the leak. However, to complete this maneuver, PDVSA must temporarily shut off the gas supply so that work can be done to seal the leak which, according to inspectors, is quite severe and represents a great danger to the community that fishes in the area.

The gas leak was reported on July 9th by fishermen and can be seen from the shore of Tiguadare, since it is located just 1.2 kilometers away. The sea laborers assure that this leak prevents fishing and also puts the boats that pass near the place at risk, because any small spark from an engine can generate an explosion.

Although the locals detected the leak at the beginning of July, it was not until August 20th that PDVSA went on to inspect the leak to begin the work to repair the pipeline.

Read More: La Patilla – Almost 50 days it took PDVSA to attend to a dangerous gas leak in Falcón

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