“Without Contemplation”: Documentary that portrays the tragedy of the families of the victims of the protests in Venezuela

“Without Contemplation”: Documentary that portrays the tragedy of the families of the victims of the protests in Venezuela

“Without Contemplation”: Documentary that portrays the tragedy of the families of the victims of the 2014 and 2017 protests


The NGO “Justicia, Encuentro y Perdón” (Justice, Rapprochement and Forgiveness), with the aim that the crimes committed during the citizen protests between 2014 and 2017 are never forgotten or go unpunished, produced the documentary “Sin Contemplación” (Without Contemplation).


Rosa Orozco, Director of “Encuentro, Justicia y Perdón”, invites all Venezuelans to the premiere of this audiovisual material this Sunday February 12th, at 9:00 am on the organization’s YouTube channel.

“This work presents the testimony of ten Venezuelan women representing all the families that have had their lives wrecked by the repressive action that the State security forces took against all of them and torn apart by the violence used against them starting in 2014.”

She mentioned that they will then hold a forum with the participation of journalists, experts in the legal field, and relatives of the victims to discuss this video that aims to present in everyone’s mind the importance of denouncing and seeking justice in Venezuela.

Ms. Orozco added that this event will be held in a hybrid format (virtual and face-to-face).

The Director of the ONG specified that those who wish to participate in the forum must fill out this form.

“This work is extremely important to us, since we are an organization committed to accompanying the victims, in their urgency to seek justice, truth, and reparation,” said Orozco.

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