The “Las Garzas” Hospital in Barcelona, in eastern Venezuela, water condensate from air conditioners is used to clean

The “Las Garzas” Hospital in Barcelona, in eastern Venezuela, water condensate from air conditioners is used to clean



The Health Workers Movement (Motrasalud) in Anzoátegui denounce that the Dr. Domingo Guzmán Lander Hospital, located in the Las Garzas sector of Barcelona, “is a wasteland”.

By: Correspondent

Edisson Hernández, General Coordinator of the aforementioned union, pointed out that one of the most worrying problems is the collapse of the sewage pipes, which forced the suspension of consultations until further notice.

“When they open the normal water taps, a disaster occurs, because the sewage pipes are damaged. This has forced some janitors to use the liquid released by the few active air conditioners in order to carry out cleaning work,” he explained.

The spokesman indicated that all this chaos has been in effect for more than a month, affecting both the hospital staff and the patients who come to it seeking medical attention.

It is worth remembering that this healthcare center is attached to the Venezuelan Institute of Social Security (IVSS). In addition, it is the second most important in the northern area of Anzoátegui State, ranked in importance just after the Luis Razetti Hospital, but it lacks adequate operational conditions.

Hernández insisted that most of the areas do not have air conditioning, such as the surgery area, not to mention that: “the bathrooms are unusable.”

He noted that the current state of Las Garzas’ healthcare center violates the laws, so he called on the authorities to take action. He stressed that all this does is collapse the Razetti Hospital, where they work with their nails and now overflow with Las Garzas patients.