This Saturday the UN special rapporteur for Freedom of Association and Assembly, Gina Romero, categorically stated her concern about the so-called “Bolivar Law” approved by Chavismo in Venezuela to punish those who promote sanctions against Nicolás Maduro’s regime.
By: Monitoreamos (in Spanish)
“I am concerned that the National Assembly approved the ‘Organic Law of the Liberator Simon Bolivar against the imperialist blockade and in defense of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’, whose article 23 could be used to persecute civil society and activists,” warned the rapporteur.
Romero warned that “the article creates a ‘national registry’ to identify natural or legal persons, national or foreign, who are suspected of ‘being involved in actions contrary to the values and inalienable rights of the State’, and imposes ‘restrictive, temporary and administrative economic measures’ to mitigate the ‘damage that their actions cause against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its population.”
Con preocupación veo que fue aprobada en la Asamblea Nacional la “Ley orgánica libertador Simón Bolívar contra el bloqueo imperialista y en defensa de la república bolivariana de #Venezuela” cuyo artículo 23 podría ser utilizado, para perseguir a la sociedad civil y activistas.
— Gina Romero (@Ginitastar) November 30, 2024
El artículo crea un ‘registro con carácter nacional’ para identificar a personas naturales o jurídicas, nacionales o extranjeras, que se sospeche “estar incursa en acciones contrarias a los valores y derechos irrenunciables del Estado”, e impone “medidas económicas restrictivas,…
— Gina Romero (@Ginitastar) November 30, 2024
Este tipo de legislaciones vagas y ambiguas hacen que la discrecionalidad en su aplicación se vuelva una herramienta de control al disenso y de persecución y violencia contra personas defensoras de derechos humanos, activistas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil. #Venezuela
— Gina Romero (@Ginitastar) November 30, 2024
The UN special rapporteur warned that “this type of vague and ambiguous legislation makes its discretionary application a tool for controlling dissent and for persecution and violence against human rights defenders, activists and civil society organizations.”
To read more, click here. (in Spanish)